Sunday, 22 May 2011

Colour moods

I have found my research to be particularly strong in this project, mainly because i had been sourcing fabrics, and materials, taking pictures, looking at films and books during the summer, which helped me to start with some stong ideas. I went to France where the light was beautiful, so picked up on that element of fresh light, traditional bohemian way of life, which i was living amongst. With the purchase of a Diana camera ( a remodel of the 60's camera) it helped me to take the most beautiful slightly vintage looking prints. Working at London fashion week this also helped me to meet some confident and fashionable individuals. Naturally i thought i'd draw on these two ideas of traditional bohemian life contrasting it with the fast glamorours pace of a cosmopolitan way of life.
Here is an example of one of my strongest mood boards, which i made on photoshop

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